
作             者: Tamsin Espinosa, Craig Fletcher, Fred Gooch, Claire Henstock, Alistair McNair, Blair Matthews and Clare Walsh
總     級     數: 3
英  文  類  型: 美式英語
適  用  程  度: Intermediate to Advanced
C E F R  Level: B1+-B2-C1
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本書系分為三個級數,取材自各類學術文體,除增進學生聽 說讀寫的英文能力外,更帶領學生踏入學術知識殿堂。
Skills and Language for Study is a three-level course (B1+ to C1) in academic skills and language aimed at students preparing for universitylevel studies in English. Academic skills and language are both introduced and explored through lectures and authentic academic texts in two complementary books per level. The core Skills for Study book focuses on the academic skills required to function effectively in a university environment whereas Language for Study explores the academic language needed to practice those skills.

各級數皆分為兩冊, Skills for Study以語言技巧為出發點,培養學生學術語文能力; Language for Study則以解析語言本身為主,協助學生掌握及應用語言技巧。老師可依課程需求分冊專攻,扎實基礎,抑或兩冊合用,相輔相成。

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Language for Study 3 Student's Book with Downloadable Audio Teacher's Manual PDF檔 4.83MB
Skills for Study 3 Student's Book with Downloadable Audio Teacher's Manual PDF檔 9.28MB